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Quality management

Quality management is a central element for the Privatklinik Obach, which offers our patients the best possible therapy with the highest quality of treatment and which is regarded as a strategic management and control instrument and actively practised. It includes, on the one hand, strict internal guidelines, which we constantly review and update, and, on the other hand, controlling by the responsible state authorities and specialist agencies. Special attention is paid to hygiene and its control; it is the core element of every successful hospitalisation and one of the most important factors for optimal recovery. With our quality management, we ensure a continuously high level of quality for our patients and other stakeholders.

Various quality measurements support us in this task:


National Association for Quality Development

ANQ's mandate is to define relevant quality indicators, to conduct quality measurements to provide the national comparison and to communicate the measurement results transparently.

The Swiss Medical Network institutions take part in the ANQ surveys every year. The results enable the institutions to compare themselves with hospitals and clinics nationwide and to take targeted measures to improve the patient experience.

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SIRIS - Swiss Implant Register

Various registers have been introduced based on the national quality agreement between the ANQ and its member hospitals: the Swiss Hip and Knee Replacement Registry in 2012, the Spine Register in 2021 and SIRIS Shoulder in 2025. The aim of this data collection is to provide patients with the best possible care and to assess the long-term quality of implants and treatments. The results obtained also enable a quality comparison with other hospitals.

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Swissnoso is dedicated to reducing nosocomial infections and multidrug-resistant germs that can occur during a stay or treatment in a hospital. Practicable modules are offered in the area of surveillance and prevention. The Swiss Medical Network institutions continuously monitor possible cases of infection or the long-term course of wound healing and report these to Swissnoso. Useful data for quality control is generated and evaluated from this.

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CIRS - Critical Incident Reporting System

Our CIRS reporting platform is a reporting and learning system that allows the identification of risks or critical events. The system is an essential element of clinical risk management and allows the anonymised reporting of incidents that may occur during different procedures - e.g. during the administration of medication, communication, documentation, the exercise of standard processes or even the use of technical equipment. The goals of CIRS are the proactive handling of critical events, the further development of the hospital's internal safety culture and the increase of patient safety.

Aare Anästhesie

Patient safety

In addition to high medical and nursing standards and individualised treatment, patient safety is one of our top quality criteria. We want to make the treatment of our patients even safer by means of identification or patient wristbands, especially when a surgical intervention is pending. Our doctors and nursing staff on the wards, in the operating theatres and in the various examination units must be able to identify our patients safely and clearly at all times.

Patient surveys

After their hospital stay, all patients receive a questionnaire in which they can express their satisfaction. This feedback is of great interest to us and helps us to continuously improve the quality of our care.

Quality Management Officer

Christian Olvaszto

Responsible for quality management