Medical infrastructure

The best possible treatment requires the best possible infrastructure. Our operating rooms and outpatient day clinic offer both our patients and our specialists state-of-the-art technology in a pleasant atmosphere.

Day clinic

Our day clinic and recovery ward have 13 beds and provide care for our outpatients and inpatients. We offer a wide range of specialist areas in which our nurses are well trained and constantly undergo further training.  

Monitoring duration and objective

Monitoring after a regional or general anaesthesia takes about one to four hours, depending on the scale of the procedure. The aim of postoperative monitoring is to ensure that our patients are pain-free, well awake and have a stable circulation before being transferred back to the ward or discharged home.  


The on-site staff consists of nursing assistants, certified nursing professionals with or without an IMC and staff with intensive care training. As the facilities of the recovery ward and the day clinic belong together, staff with intensive care training can also be called in at any time.


The ward is located right next to the operating theatres, ensuring that the anaesthesia is performed quickly. Every space, whether in the recovery ward or in the day clinic, is equipped with a monitoring system, which ensures continuous monitoring.  

The recovery ward and the USPOR (Postoperative Care and Resuscitation Unit) are supervised by a specially trained team on a seven-by-four-hour basis. These specialists have special training in resuscitation (ACLS). 

The emergency department is also located in the same space, where patients can be admitted 24 hours a day if they are notified by telephone. We cannot treat children as we do not have a paediatric ward.

Surgical wing

The heart of Privatklinik Bethanien is the surgical wing, which has five large operating theatres flooded with light. Around 3'800 surgical procedures are performed each year from a wide range of specialist fields using innovative and extremely powerful equipment and materials. Different surgical competence centres are coordinated with one another and up to date.

Robot-assisted surgery for minimally invasive procedures

Privatklinik Bethanien relies on advanced surgical systems such as Da Vinci® in the field of robot-assisted surgery and pursues the goal of improving the quality of Da Vinci® robotic procedures to the highest level.

Interdisciplinary team

The Da Vinci® robot performs minimally invasive procedures in visceral surgery, thoracic surgery and urology. The interdisciplinary Da Vinci® Bethanien team is led by Visceral Surgeon Dr Daniel Christen, Medical Director and Head of Surgery at Privatklinik Bethanien, as well as his colleagues from surgical urology and thoracic surgery. These specialists have many years of experience with the Da Vinci® robot and are a well-coordinated team.

Quality assurance

Access to the Da Vinci® Surgical System is determined by the Da Vinci® Bethanien Team based on a set of quality criteria. Operational and assistance authorisations are regularly analysed and evaluated by the team of experts to ensure the quality of the procedures.

How it works

The Da Vinci® robot-assisted surgical system serves as a high-tech aid for surgeons to operate more accurately and safely. During a Da Vinci® operation, the surgeon controls the instruments using joystick-like handles and obtains a 3D image that is up to ten times larger. With these tiny instruments, which can be moved on all sides, the surgeon can even work where it would not be possible with a human hand. 

Benefits for patients

For patients, the procedure with the Da Vinci® robot has the advantage that the minimally invasive procedure requires only small incisions, thus minimising wound pain. The hospitalisation time may also be shortened for certain procedures.

Da Vinci robots: the game changer in surgery

VELYS™ Roboter

Since the beginning of 2025, Privatklinik Bethanien has had the VELYS™ robot, which is used in robot-assisted surgery. The robot helps the surgeon to make extremely precise incisions and to adapt the implants even more accurately to the individual anatomy.

How it works

The VELYS™ robot presents real-time images using a high-speed camera, hydrophobic reflectors and motion technology, but without computed tomography. This allows the surgeon to perform precise and consistent movements.

Find out more

Papillon technology

Since February 2022, the Privatklinik Bethanien has had a Papillon 50 device, which expands the range of radio-oncology services in the field of intestinal cancer and is still the only one in Switzerland to this day. Papillon technology is a proven alternative to surgery for patients with rectal cancer in the last section of the digestive system, if it is diagnosed in the early stages.

How it works

The Papillon technique is used to place the radiotherapy applicator in contact with the tumour, allowing a very high dose to be applied locally.

The tumour is precisely irradiated, while the adjacent organs, such as the bladder, are protected as much as possible. Generally, three to four outpatient treatments are sufficient for this contact radiotherapy while ensuring normal functionality of the intestinal outlet.

In close cooperation with Dr Oscar Matzinger from Radio-Oncology at Swiss Medical Network, this tried-and-tested form of treatment is carried out by Dr Cristina Picardi, a specialist in Radio-Oncology at Privatklinik Bethanien.

Papillon 50 bei Rektum-Karzinom: eine Alternative zur Operation

Podcast: Rectal cancer

The unique radiation therapy, the Papillon technique, achieves great success in rectal cancer.

Specialist field of Papillon

Speciality cardiology

Both diagnostic and interventional procedures are carried out in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory. A thin plastic catheter is inserted via the groin artery or the wrist up to the heart. X-ray images and contrast media are used to visualise constrictions or blockages in the coronary arteries, which can then be treated immediately by using the catheter balloon to expand the constrictions and, if necessary, insert a stent.

Speciality cardiology

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